When you unwrap a chocolate bar from Equal Exchange, you see a lot more than just a bar of chocolate.
You’ll discover where the ingredients are sourced, who produced the cacao, and why it’s important to support small-scale producers. There are plenty of bite-sized (pun intended) pieces of information nicely organized.
Your global food journey unfolds with a world map identifying where the chocolate bar ingredients are grown. Small-scale farmers who are part of the Equal Exchange Coop, a fairly traded worker cooperative food company that launched over 30 years ago, are featured with candid photos.
As you enjoy each morsel of the chocolate bar, you learn that your purchase makes a difference to the growers. This information feeds my curiosity to know where my food comes from and how it is produced.
These details are perfectly placed on the inside of the exterior wrapper. Typically, this side of the consumer packaging is left blank. Oh, what a missed opportunity to connect with your customers and provide additional product and producer details.

The inside wrapper of an Equal Exchange chocolate bar.
People buy products from brands they trust. And trust is earned through customer experiences and transparency. Are you using your packaging as a billboard to tell your story?
Here are three storytelling tips to tell your brand story.
1. Make It Personal
Who’s behind the brand? Can you feature the people who produce your product or service? Tell us their stories. Be factual and fun. That makes the brand likable, which is essential for mission-driven brands who are addressing critical issues.
2. Use Visuals
It’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Use photos to tell your story. Dig out some old black and white photos to share the historical details of your story. Use candid photos too. We like to see imperfections as well as beautifully styled images.
Video is a powerful tool to tell your story. The sound of your voice and your mannerisms create a closer connection to your audience. (Did you know you can create a video using photos. Ask us how.)
3. Keep The Story Alive
Your story is always evolving. Remember to update your story. What hurdles have you encountered along the way, how were they solved, and what’s your future vision?
Storytelling is an art. Ever watched a TED talk? It involves getting personal, finding your voice, and delivering the story in just the right sequence and style to draw in your audience.
What’s your brand story? Please share in the comments below.
We love reading and writing stories. If you need help fine tuning your story so it’s short, snappy and memorable, we’re happy to help.